I'm messed up but blessed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm not alright

Sanctus Real sings a song called "I'm not alright." This is my current theme song. I really do not feel alright right now.... I feel sad and broken and damaged and hurt and weak and disappointed and let down and depressed and cut off and lonely and different and abnormal and fearful and SAD. The song says "I'm not alright, I'm broken inside" but it doesn't end there... and neither do I. It also says, "and all I go through, leads me to you." This isn't a love song to some terrific guy who is saving some sad little waif... it is a song to their God.... and more importantly for me, to MY God…..because all those down right depressing adjectives from that 3rd sentence aren't where I'm going to stay.... they are a path that gets me right back to God. Right back to joy, contentment, connection, togetherness, healing, strength, acceptance, and living without fear. I'm glad Sanctus Real wrote that song... but I'm even more glad that God works like that..... he takes our suffering... takes us where we are... and draws us to himself……. It’s a process.

1 comment:

  1. Life gets better everyday!!!! I promise....
