I'm messed up but blessed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reset Button

Have you ever bought a digital camera and tried different settings and messed with it until it didn’t take good pictures at all anymore and you didn’t really know why?  At that point, you can choose to “reset to manufacturer’s settings” and go back to the beginning.  When you choose that option, suddenly your defunct camera is working again.  Your (bad) influence over your camera is removed.  You get to admit your mistakes and return the camera to it’s original intended state.  Now, if you are a camera buff and really understand your camera and know how to change the settings in just the perfect way to make the lighting pop, you probably don’t need this feature.  But if someone like me gets hold of your camera and I just want to mess with it to see what is different when you push that button or move that setting until eventually the camera is all screwed up, you would be glad for that feature.

Don’t you wish we were made that way?  Don’t you wish that there was a code or a hidden switch someplace that would turn us back into the person God created us to be, with all the features and characteristics HE intended for us. If only we could reset ourselves and leave out all the damage we have received from the things we have experienced in life.  No more bad self esteem because of the way kids at school made fun of us, no more trust issues because of how our spouse let us down, no more addiction to certain sin because of past mistakes.  It would be good to reset to the “manufacturer’s settings.”  It would be good to be unbroken and undamaged and as the creator intended us to be.  Unfortunately we are not equipped with that feature and we have to just muddle through…….trying to learn from the mistakes that we made and others made around us….. It’s a process.


  1. If you find that button pleeeeeeease tell me where it is located. It is a good good thing that God loves me amidst my messes...even my pre-meditated ones. I do look forward to that day where the Creators intent is the only thing that shows.

  2. If I read God's Word correctly, I believe the believer is blessed w/ a "reset" button that can only be used twice. The first time it's used is the point of conversion. The second time will be at the point of resurrection.

    2 Corinthians 5:17 MSG

    Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!

    In between those two points, could it be that we are EXACTLY where HE wants us...TOTALLY vulnerable & dependent upon HIM? That is the very essence of Faith, without which it is impossible to please Him. So in our broken, messed up state we are right where we are supposed to be...trusting wholly on HIM.
